The programme opens 3 times per year, so that it can be experienced as a group programme.
– NEXT starting date: 24 MARCH 2021 –
The 3 videos below were recorded for the live September round, however, their educational/informational value is still valid.
Video 1: Benefits of the programme, why join and myth busting around food being involved in causing symptoms.
Video 2: Why and how symptoms can manifest outside the digestive tract and a huge pearl of the ITE programme revealed.
Video 3: Shortfall of food sensitivity testing and a pearl about gluten that may affect you
How you can benefit from this journey of self-discovery
Did you know that food, even healthy food, can trigger a lot of different health issues, including annoying symptoms that are far removed from the digestive tract? By going through this programme, you can get relief or even resolve complaints that keep you from feeling your best and may even keep you from doing the things you love.
Do you want to have
- more energy
- more mental clarity
- improved digestion (get a handle on reflux, bloating, indigestion, cramps, diarrhea or constipation)
- a body free of pain (whether it’s headaches, migraines or joint pain)
- more stable moods, more patience
- clear skin
- success with reaching your ideal weight
then join us for this structured experiment
Which foods may be a problem for your body is very personal, so identifying your trigger foods is a fundamental step in your healing journey. Omitting this step can mean that other health building measures are built on quick sand. We are inviting you to join us in building a strong foundation for your journey to vibrant health.
This self-experiment is one of the most important steps in a Functional Medicine treatment plan. 72 % of people doing this kind of elimination diet feel better afterward. I fully endorse it.
Have you tried any of these remedies without (long term) success?
You followed an eat-less-exercise-more strategy, took or are taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory, acid reducing or anti-anxiety medication or an antidepressant. Maybe you are applying topical creams and lotions to sooth your skin. And to manage your energy levels you may be relying on caffeine to get going and keep going during the day and on alcohol to calm down in the evenings. All of these strategies focus on symptom management without asking the question “Why do I have the symptoms in the first place?”. Are you ready to take charge of your health and learn about potential underlying causes that are creating your downstream symptoms?
The role of the immune system – so often overlooked
You may be surprised to hear that in all of the symptoms listed above (among many others) food sensitivities can play a critical role. Even symptoms that are far removed from the digestive tract can be a result of the immune system reacting to certain foods. The thing is, these sensitivities cause delayed reactions, in other words symptoms can appear up to three days after consumption of those foods. This makes a food sensitivity very different from a true food allergy. If you have a food allergy, which is an IgE mediated reaction, you know about it. With a true allergy, a reaction happens within seconds or minutes of ingestion and leads to rashes, swelling and potentially anaphylactic shock. If you have a food sensitivity, it’s very hard to pinpoint the trigger food. Let’s say for example you react to dairy and you eat yogurt for breakfast on most days and enjoy cheese on your sandwich. The immune system would be in constant alert state, attacking the milk protein. On the other hand, if you react to something you eat less often that may be creating a symptom two or three days later, it is hard to pinpoint what it was that gave you that headache or that rash.
Food sensitivity testing
While there is an option for food sensitivity testing, there is no comprehensive test that covers all possible reactions of our immune system. Our immune system is smart and very complex. Food sensitivity testing generally looks at IgG reactions only. This means that other types of immune system reactions (e.g. IgA, IgM or T-cell mediated reactions) will not show up on the test leading to possible false negative results. This explains for example, why someone who had a negative IgG test result for gluten, may still have immune reactions to gluten containing grains. At the same time not all elevated IgG reactions necessarily lead to inflammation which in turn can lead to false positive results. You see, it’s complex. Testing can still be very valuable in addition to doing a self test, which is the most reliable test out there at this point time.
Testing on your own body with and elimination/provocation diet
In this self-test you eliminate certain foods for a period of time and then re-introduce them in a structured way. This allows you to calm the immune system first and then you can get clear body signals when you re-introduce a food, one at a time. This is about tuning in with your body and listening to what it’s telling you in the form of symptoms. This process puts you in charge and your body will not react with false negatives or false positives. Instead it will tell you the truth and give you invaluable insights. Hence we call it Illumination through Elimination!
At the end of the self-test an evaluation can be done whether additional food sensitivity testing makes sense.
The power of community
More and more studies demonstrate that community and strong social connections are key for good health and longevity. This is why we have chosen to bring people who want to take charge of their health, together as a group. This way we can harness the power of peer support and accountability.
I had done an elimination diet before but I did not do the reintroduction process properly, so I ended up going back to eating most foods again and to feel the same problems. With Diana’s help, my husband and I are feeling much better. We have a clear plan of what to do and we can ask questions frequently and get quick answers so that we can avoid mistakes.
NEXT starting date: 24 MARCH 2021
Find more information below on how it works and when we’ll start. It takes two months of the rest of your life and it may change the rest of your life!
Illumination through Elimination
Join us for this 8 week group programme and understand what foods trigger YOUR immune system. This puts you in the position to make good food choices that help your body heal, this is a critical basic step on the way to vibrant health.
Best of all, you can participate from anywhere any time that is suitable for you! Relax. Prop up your feet. Learn. And change your life. Seminars are via recorded webinar. Your programme includes:
1. Your ITE programme page including
- Preparation webinar with more background and tips to get ready, recommended to view 2 weeks prior to kick-off webinars
- Kick-off webinar to start the 21 day elimination
- Webinar on structured re-introduction, recommended to view 14 days after start of elimination
- Resources that will help you with meal planning
- Suggestions for food items that will make it easier to stick with the food plan, we want to focus on what’s allowed rather than what’s not allowed!
- Online shopping tips
2. A private FB group for ongoing support, here you will find the following
- you can ask your questions in the group for a period of 8 weeks (from the date of the preparation webinar, during the 21 day elimination and three additional weeks, which will cover a good part of your re-introduction period). The re-introduction period will vary a little from person to person, remember we are all unique. The success of the experiment depends on how well it’s done, so don’t be shy to ask when you are not sure about something, I’ve got your back.
- Recipe sharing: I encourage all participants to share what they enjoy eating so that everyone can discover new things that other people have actually made (so no daunting, skilled chef recipe’s but real life, practical, delicious meal preparation)
Diana is a very attentive coach who leads you through the elimination process with confidence and ease. she’s warm, open and responsive and goes out of her way to find you the answers you need. I’d highly recommend working with her if you are looking to up your health game. I’ve lost 8kg by adjusting my diet and listening to what my body needs and thanks to Diana’s help.
Bij het begin was ik niet 100% gemotiveerd om het programma te volgen, maar uw info was zo overtuigend dat ik niet anders kon doen dan meedoen. Het was zeker de moeite waard, mijn symptomen zijn duidelijk verbeterd :-). Ik ben nu overtuigd dat er zoveel ‘fake eten’ te koop is en probeer alleen nog ‘real food’ te eten. Gluten en zuivel blijven een uitzondering in mijn voedingspatroon. Bedankt Diana
NEXT starting date: 24 MARCH 2021
Registration fee: 167€ per household, one FB account (it’s great if you can involve your partner, a parent or a child in this experience)
Buddy-booking: enjoy 40% off the standard registration fee per person by registering together with a friend
(€97 per person transferred as one amount of €194).
To participate, please fill in the registration form below. We will send you access information to the programme page so you can get started right away.
“This self-experiment is one of the most important steps in a Functional Medicine treatment plan. 72 % of people doing this kind of elimination diet feel better afterward.
I fully endorse it.” Dr Lefevre
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